>> Lactate devices are the new heart rate monitors. Just as happened 35 years ago with heart rate measurement, lactate measurement has also found its way to an ever-growing audience in recent years. And it will only become more accessible! It is only a matter of time before we can monitor lactate in real-time and non-invasively. If you, as a trainer, are involved in sports where endurance determines performance, you better don’t miss the boat!
The ambition of this two-day course is to (further) help you with this. On the first day, the emphasis is on evaluating the athlete's training status: we delve into the possible test modalities and consider the parameters that we can derive from a test.
During the second day of the course we shift the focus to providing training advice: we explain how you can integrate the test results into training schedules, and how they can help you with the selection of training exercises and with the periodization of the training process.
Karel wants to introduce you to different methods and visions, share his years of experience, and also provide practical and concrete guidelines based on his latest - and certainly progressive - insights. He wants to teach you to think critically about testing and training, and to learn a structured way of working through many representative cases and exercises.
This workshop is for you:
- If you like to gather a lot of relevant information in a short time;
- If you are looking for clarity amid the different views on testing and training;
- If you are looking for a relatively simple yet comprehensive and proven approach, with which you can start working right away!
- If you like to exchange ideas with colleagues.
Background: lactate, carbohydrates, endurance
Types of 'fitness tests'
- incremental lactate testing, the classic
- phased lactate testing
- critical power & speed
- 'DIY' testing
Practical organization of exercise testing
- legal & medical aspects
- test modalities: field vs. lab tests, test protocols, specificity of testing
- overview & use of the various supplies
Lactate thresholds
- what, why, and how?
- overview of different methods
- determination of lactate thresholds
- interpretation of the maximal lactate value
- other parameters
Towards a complete diagnosis & the bridge to training advice
8 multiple choice cases: team work & competition!
Review of day 1 & ‘Bring your own case’
Physiology of interval training
- energy delivery & lactate kinetics
- exercises
Training methodology in a nutshell
- refresher on training principles
- methodology and terminology of periodization
- classifications of training exercises
- training zones: possibilities & difficulties
From test to schedule
- from the measured to the desired lactate profile
- selection of training exercises
- cases
A look at the future
Closing word
1) Be able to collect data:
- know how to administer a gradual maximal exercise test with lactate and heart rate measurement in a standardized manner
- be aware of the various test supplies
- be aware of different test modalities and being able to make a reasoned choice
- be aware of the different types of 'fitness tests'
2) Be able to make an objective diagnosis of endurance based on the test data:
The lactate thresholds:
- be aware of the different methods to determine thresholds
- be able to determine thresholds
Be able to interpret the maximum lactate value in relation to age and fitness goals
Be able to assess other parameters (e.g. heart rate, power, speed)
3) Be able to link effective training advice to the test data:
Classifications of training exercises:
- be aware of different classifications
- have a notion of a classification of training exercises for cycling and running
Interval training:
- have insight into energy supply and lactate kinetics during (interval) training
- gain insight into the effects of different types of (interval) training on the lactate curve
- know how to manipulate the effect of a training exercise
Training zones:
- be aware of different methods to demarcate zones
- be aware of the advantages and disadvantages
Be able to select & set up training exercises in a 'systematic' way:
- based on the measured lactate profile
- accounting for the desired lactate profile (for the most diverse objectives)
- taking into account the time in the preparation
- taking into account the training background and ambitions of the athlete
4) General objectives:
- be able to work in a structured, careful, objective and consistent manner
- know the place of lactate testing in the big picture of sports coaching
Admission requirements:
- anyone who wants to get started with a lactate meter and wants to use it in sports coaching
- anyone who wants to improve his/her knowledge & skills in this field
- basic knowledge of exercise physiology and training theory is recommended
Number of students: at least 6, maximum 14
Class dates: Saturdays March 9 & 16, 2024
- your registration is only valid after payment, places are filled in order of payment
- deadline for registration/payment: February 10 !
- it is not possible to follow (part of) the course online
Location: ICZO Campus Antwerpen, Hotel Van der Valk, Joe Englishstraat 56, 2140 Antwerp
Daily schedule: from 9.00 AM till 4.30 PM
Course fee: 720 EUR for both days
- a new and elaborated vade mecum (English)
- handouts
- templates in Excel and Word, with which you can get started
- practical notepad & pen
- very good catering, including various drinks, lunch buffet, refreshments
KMO-portefeuille: participants with a recognized medical or paramedical profession from the Flemish region can receive financial support when purchasing training (maximum 30% intervention from the Flemish Community); for conditions, see https://www.iczo.be/nl/kmo-portefeuille
The organization reserves the right to make any changes to the program and schedule.
Karel Pardaens (°1971)
- Doctor of Motor Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy, specialization Exercise Physiology (KU Leuven, 1999)
- Independent physical trainer and exercise physiologist since 2006 (Back To B.A.S.I.C.S. In Sports)
- Experience as a trainer with a very wide range of individual sports and at all levels: running (from 400m to 250 km, incl. trail running), boxing, mountain climbing, tennis, triathlon, refereeing, cycling (incl. mountain bike), swimming
- Invited by FIFA to test the referees in the preparation of the Women's Football World Cup in AUS & NZL (2023)
- Author of the book 'Back To B.A.S.I.C.S. for successful training' (Campinia Media, 2012)
- Physical trainer in tennis since 2012
- Semi-professional triathlete (7 x top 10 at the national championships of the Olympic distance), 2000-2006